Saturday, May 28, 2011


            Nowadays, one-third of kids in the U.S. are now overweight or obese, which means one-third of kids are at risk of heart disease and diabetes as they age. Last year, in report titled Too Fat to Fight, a group of retired military brass blamed school lunches for the fact that an estimated 27 percent of Americans youth are too overweight to serve in the armed forces. A study of Michigan sixth graders published in December found that regularly consuming school lunches was a greater risk factor for obesity than spending two or more hours a day watching television or playing video games. Today, most school lunches rely heavily on high-energy, low-nutrient-value food. Why it is so much processed food used to prepare school meals? The answer is only one because it’s cheaper and “cooking from scratch” kitchens have been removed from the schools. The federal government will not provide enough funding to enable schools to buy fresh, whole ingredients. Despite some improvements, U.S. school meal programs are still laden with unhealthy fat, salt and sugar ( Poppendieck, 47).
            At the beginning the school lunch program was designed to improve the nutrition of the nation’s children. As early as the 19th century, some American schools operated their own school lunch programs, often with the help of volunteers. In the 1930s, in the midst of the Great Depression, the federal government began providing some funds for school lunches on an ad hoc basis. But many children still didn't get enough to eat. The problem was thrown into stark relief during World War II, when it was discovered that half of all draftees who were deemed unfit for service were rejected because of malnutrition ( Poppendieck, 31). In 1946, Congress passed the National School Lunch Act "as a measure of national security." The law guaranteed a free or subsidized midday meal for millions of needy children. It was also intended to teach America what to eat. During the Depression, when farmers were surrounded by mountains of unsold commodities and schools were full of hungry children, New Deal politics had used the USDA to funnel surpluses to school cafeterias. Thus, when it came time to designate an authority for the new national lunch program, the USDA seemed a natural choice. Schools would receive subsidized commodities and cash reimbursements in exchange for feeding low- income children lunches that met USDA nutrition standards. And so the same law that was supposed to ensure a nutritious midday meal for millions of kids also created an enduring market for American farmers.   
            Today, according to the article “The school Lunch Wars” written by Kristen Hinman, students from families with incomes below 130 percent of the poverty level ($28,665 for a family of four) eat for free. The school receives a federal subsidy of $2.72 per meal. Children from families earning up to 185 percent of the poverty level pay 40 cents per meal, and the subsidy is correspondingly reduced. Other students pay the "full" price, an average of $1.60. The government also provides a small subsidy for these meals, on the principle that child nutrition contributes to national security. Even so, schools often are not able to cover the production cost of the "full" price meals and essentially make up the difference from the subsidies meant for lower- income kids.  According the article “Why School is Nasty” written by Liam Julian typical lunchroom landscape in most of the schools in the United States is filled with the processed and the reheated: pizza, French fries and chicken nuggets. A 2004 survey by the School Nutrition Association found pizza and chicken nuggets to be the most popular cafeteria entrees, and potatoes and corn to be the most popular vegetables. The problem is much deeper because most schools kitchens do not have the simplest tools like knives or equipment to store fresh fruits and vegetables. Moreover, The United States Department of Agriculture, which administers the school food program, does maintain nutrition regulations but the food sold in lunchrooms is not part of the federal food program. Much of it is part of school-run “a la carte” vending that is not nutritionally regulated. “A la carte” lines which schools open in order to generate extra cash and which hawk a variety of fast-food are humming along in 90 percent of middle schools and high schools and 75 percent of elementary schools. Since the government did not reimburse for a la carte fare, and thus did not regulate its nutritional content, school official are free to offer French fries, nachos, and pizza. Some items are branded by fast-food companies such Domino’s Pizza and Taco Bell. Many schools also allowed companies to install vending machines that dispensed snack foods, candy, and soda, from which the schools kept a portion of the sales (Schlosser,57).
             Currently most of the public schools serve the poor-quality food and that’s the result of a broken food system.  Author Janet Poppendieck explains in her book “Free for All” that today students have a bizarre freedom to choose for lunch at school French fries, chicken nuggets, greasy pizzas, ice creams, sodas and other poor-quality foods alongside the usual lunch selections. These foods contain artificial preservatives, colors, flavors and sweeteners or contain high-fructose corn syrup or trans-fats. One the other side kids eat this kind of food because many schools do not have functioning kitchens or the money to improve them. It became standard practice for cafeteria staff to purchase ready-made heat- and –eat meals. That’s one of the causes why one-third of kids living in the United States suffer from obesity. Furthermore, overweight in childhood is associated with increases in type 2 diabetes, kidney failure, cancer and atherosclerosis, formerly regarded as adult diseases, asthma and joint problems, and with depression, anxiety, and sleep apnea. It contributes to low self-esteem and increases the likelihood that a child will be bullied or teased. Like hunger, childhood obesity can interfere with children’s academic performances and ability to concentrate in school. The report, published in The New England Journal of Medicine says that obesity is already shortening average life spans by a greater rate than accidents, homicides and suicides combined. Moreover, according the article “Children’s Life Expectancy Being Cut Short by Obesity” written by Pam Belluck explains that “for the first time in two centuries, the current generation of children in America may have shorter life expectancies than their parents, according to this report, which contends that the rapid rise in childhood obesity, if left unchecked, could shorten life spans by as much as five years”.  The U.S population may be inadvertently saving Social Security by becoming more obese” and dying sooner, but that “ this benefit will occur at the expense of the economy in the form of lost productivity before citizens reach retirement and large increases in Medicare cost associated with obesity and its complications.        
            In conclusion, the program that was design to improve nutrition’s of the nation children create unhealthy food that lead kids to serious diseases and raise the sick future generation. Children are getting obese every day from regularly eating fast food at school. No laws are being made to enforce it. This low-quality food is causing many illnesses, from cardiovascular disorders to diabetes, making children perform worse in school and their life. At the same time parents don’t care enough about their child school food and children enjoy the food and don’t think about the long term effects of the chemicals that they put in their mouths. Furthermore, the school environment do not teach our children to make healthy food choices serving them fast foods that tend to be high in fat, calories and low in many important for their health nutrients. Additionally, the school lunch program has consistently been viewed and managed not primarily as a way to provide healthful meals to American children but as a salve for any number of national crises of the moment. I think that it will take another generation to see meaningful change in the waistlines of American children.

Works Cited
  Belluck , Pam. “Children’s Life Expectancy Being Cut Short By Obesity”. New York Times.  March 17, 2005. Web. 8 May 2011.
  Hinman , Kristen. " The School Lunch Wars." Wilson Quarterly 35.2 (2011): 16-21. Academic Search  Complete . Web . 8 May 2011.
  Julian, Liam. "Why School Lunch is "Nasty!." Policy Review 163 (2010): 43-53. Academic Search Complete.  Web. 8 May 2011.
  McGray, Douglas. "A Revolution In School Lunches." Time 175.16 (2010): 50-53. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 May 2011.
  Rabin, Roni.” Obesity and School Lunches”.   New York Times, 2011. Web. 8 May 2011.
  Poppendieck, Janet. Free For All: Fixing School Food in America. Los Angeles: Regents, 2010. Print.
  Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation. New York: Harper Perennial, 2005. Print.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Annotated Bibliography
Jolanta Naspinska

TOPIC: In my final research paper, I will be presenting federal school lunch programs of the United States, highlighting the challenge facing the institutional practice regarding health management and fighting student obesity. I will be discussing unhealthiness and low quality of the meals served in public schools along with profiles of politicians and administrators who are seeking to fix the problem.

 Bridgman, Jessica et al. "The effects of the HEALTHY study intervention on middle school student dietary intakes." International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity 8.1 (2011): 7-14. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 8 May 2011.
                      This article is about The HEALTHY study, a five-semester middle school-based intervention program that integrated multiple components in nutrition, physical education, behavior change, and social marketing-based communications, resulted in significant changes to student's reported fruit and water intake. Subsequent interventions need to go beyond the school environment to change diet behaviors that may affect weight status of children.

 Hinman , Kristen. " The School Lunch Wars." Wilson Quarterly 35.2 (2011): 16-21. Academic Search  Complete. EBSCO . Web . 8 May 2011.
                       The author of this article talks about low quality of the meals served in public schools in the United States.
Julian, Liam. "Why School Lunch is "Nasty!." Policy Review 163 (2010): 43-53. Academic Search Complete.  EBSCO.  Web. 8 May 2011.
                        The article profiles Jeff  Mills, a former New York City restaurateur and director of food and nutrition services for the Washington D.C. public schools, and discusses school food. The article notes that school food programs are not uniform but that chicken nuggets and pizza are popular items on school lunchroom menus.
McGray, Douglas. "A Revolution In School Lunches." Time 175.16 (2010): 50-53. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 8 May 2011.

                    The article discusses public-school lunches in the U.S. and the for-profit company Revolution Foods (RF) that sells nutritionally-beneficial breakfasts and lunches. RF foods are sold mainly to schools in low-income communities where meals are subsidized by the federal government.
Poppendieck, Janet. Free For All: Fixing School Food in America. Los Angeles: Regents, 2010. Print.
                         This book is showing to the readers the nation school kitchens of the United States. Author of this book explores the deep politics of food provision from multiple perspectives--history, policy, nutrition, environmental sustainability, taste, and more. Drawing from extensive interviews with officials, workers, students, and activists, she discusses the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs and turns a critical eye on the "competitive foods" sold in cafeterias. This book also reveals the forces, the financial troubles of schools, the commercialization of childhood, the reliance on market models, that are determining how lunch is served.
Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation. New York: Harper Perennial, 2005. Print.
                       The chapter of this book is mainly about fast foods that exist in about 30 percent of the public high schools in the United States.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

List of 10 things

1.Meat production in America
2.The common cause of diabidies in adults
3.Cause of diabities and obecity in kids diet(school catering...bad snacking habits)
4.Food banks
5.Farming/Cooking in school

Banning Soda Purchases w/Food Stamps

Reading the articles about banning soda and other sugar drinks for recipients that are able to use the food stamps by government  made me think that it is very unfair for those poor people .I think that this people should have the same rights to buy the food as regular customers and and we should not control that....

Monday, April 25, 2011


Watching the movie “Super Size Me” about Morgan Spurlock and his one month experimental diet on fast food in McDonald’s, made me think how harmful this food can be for our population. This documentary has many strong evidences why this food is bad for us like for example trans-fat or empty calories that are always included with this food.  According to this movie there is only one answer why so many people in America is overweight. We can only blame for that fast food industries. According to the documentary, 60% of American adults are either overweight or obese. Many of us eat all kind of fast food every day. We usually choose cheap and tasty foods like McDonalds for so many reasons. For example we are tired after the long day of work or we do not have a time to cook. Many families spend their free time during the weekend with their kids there because fast foods exist almost everywhere even in the hospitals. Moreover, these restaurants sell not only the food but also provide t-shirts, favorite movie characters and also places where kids can play and watch the movies. I believe that this movie that was seen by so many Americans and many different nations made them realized that eating these kinds of cheap and fat meals during short time like one month can be dangerous even for young people. Morgan Spurlock risking his health is trying to show us that buying “supersize meals” in McDonald’s we are not gaining anything instead of serious health issues. The actor felt sick after the third day of eating only in McDonalds, few days later he was less energetic and depressed. At the end of the month he gained twenty five pounds and put his health in a risk of early diabetes and heart problems. According also Eric Schlosser in his book “Fast Food Nation” we should blame not only McDonald for the health issues but all fast food that are responsible for adults and kids obesity.  I believe that this documentary did a great job showing people that instead of telling them about the statistics they can see a real person that is suffering from eating McDonald’s every day. Is it really worth to risk our life eating this fast food? This question we should all answer after watching this movie.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Peer Review

Peer Review
1 .The introduction in this essay is clear. It is describing important details about the problem (the difference about the food today and a hundred years ago) .The first sentence is attention-getting.
2. The thesis statement-“I believe that the food a hundred years ago was much healthier than the food that we can buy in a grocery store or in a restaurant currently. Probably, my great grandparents did not know much about the vitamins and nutrients contained in the food they were eating every day but their diet was healthier because they did not use any dangerous pesticides to grow their food or antibiotics to feed their animals”.
3. This paper needs more details and explanations about the chemicals that some food contains like for example oatmeal. This essay should have more sources about antibiotics that many farmers are using to grow their animals and how dangerous they are for our population. Moreover, that paper has to state clearly “why they did not use any chemicals or pesticides in 1911”maybe they did not exist at that time.
4. This essay has some grammar mistakes.
5. The author did not identify all her sources in this essay. A lot of chemicals it is appearing in this paper but not enough explanations where they are coming from. This essay needs also references at the end of the essay.
6. This essay is clear. The ideas are interesting.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

List of five sources that I will use.

1.Book "Fast food nation"
2. McDonald's web side to get the ingredients that are use in the food production by this company.
3.Chemical Database
4.Movie "Food, Inc"
5.Old Polish cook book-That I will try to find online.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Paper 1

                Jolanta Naspinska
ENG 101
            Nowadays, many people are trying to answer the question: “Why in 21th century which brought us to modern technology, discoveries and advance medicine we cannot choose a right diet for ourselves?” We all know that fast foods are bad for us. Many scientists proved that this food contains many chemicals that are dangerous for our health and life nevertheless, we are still likely to buy food for example in McDonald’s than to make some healthy meals at home. I believe that the food a hundred years ago was much healthier from the food that we can buy in a grocery store or in a restaurant currently. Probably, my grand great parents did not know much about the vitamins and nutrients contained in the food they were eating every day but their diet was healthier because they did not use any dangerous pesticides to grow their food or antibiotics to feed their animals. My great grandparents used to leave in Poland, a country located in Eastern Europe where they had a small farm. The food that they produced to eat was organic and very fresh because they planted all their fruits and vegetables that they liked to eat. Moreover, they prepared all their meals at home and they eat at the certain hours.  Their daily life looked much more different from my life in New York. The food that they were eating every day was much ritual than now because during that time all the family members gathered together to eat. Our lifestyle in 2011 is much different from our “ancestors” life. We have more choices about the food. We can choose the fast foods or healthy organic food; also we have a greater knowledge about the food nutritious and vitamin that we need in order to be healthy. Nevertheless we are likely to choose inexpensive food like McDonald’s than to find some time for preparing homemade food.
 I believe that my great grandparents ate more healthy breakfasts than I am eating every day. Their typical breakfast was homemade and mostly included a cup of fresh milk that was not pasteurized before and came from cattle that was fed a fresh grass mostly outside, in a clean not polluted environment. My great grandparents also ate a bowl of oatmeal that was plain and unprocessed. My breakfast that I am eating everyday include a bowl of processed instant oatmeal with artificial strawberries. This meal contains unhealthy sugar, colored fruit pieces that are not even the promised strawberries and some other chemicals that keep this product fresh and tasty for few months. I also drink a cup of coffee with skim milk that was pasteurized. This milk like most of the milk productions in America is produced in an industrial milk production. Those industries are most likely using antibiotics to protect cattle from the diseases, which are causing at the same time damages in our immune system. These meals are very similar, but the way they were produced completely changed their nutrients.
I think that my “ancestors” ate less fat food than we are currently eating. Their dinner was very reach in healthy nutrients. Their meal contains mostly mash potatoes that were cooked in salty water and did not contain any other ingredients. Meat like chicken was also cooked with the vegetables that were organic. They did not use any seasoning only natural herbs like thyme or rosemary. Usually on a side they ate a lot green vegetables like cucumbers or green beans that were mostly consumed raw. They also drank natural dairy yogurts and sour creams.  My dinner is much different from the food that my great grandparents were eating a hundred years ago. I am eating my dinners mostly in McDonald’s for so many reasons. This fast food is very close to my work, it is low-priced and convenient. My favorite meal that I usually order includes a Caesar Salad with Crispy Chicken, small French fries and Orange Juice. I believe that this chicken is not organic and mostly processed long before is served in a restaurant. French fries do not remain me healthy potatoes at all because they are fried in very unhealthy oil that contains a lot of Tran’s fat. I believe that only healthy ingredient I am consuming that’s the green salad.
I agree with the Quotation “You are what you eat”-Franklin P. Jones. I think that we should really take seriously all the warning about the fast foods and start to leave a healthy life style. With all the processing and manufacturing that fast food goes through, a lot of essential nutrients go missing. Fibers, vitamins, and minerals get destroyed during this process and what it leaves us is just unhealthy fats and empty calories. This food cause us lead to long-term life-threatening illnesses such as obesity, cancer, heart diseases, and diabetes. I believe that our “ancestors” had much more healthy lifestyle than we created a hundred years later. The way how they produced and prepared the food they were able to avoid the deadly diseases that our population is suffering from currently.

"Food, Inc."

Watching the movie “Food, Inc.” made think how dangerous our food can be, that we are eating every day. The filmmaker Robert Kenner revealed shocking truth about the production all kind of foods like meat, corn or dairy products. Nowadays, food production is highly mechanized and controlled by corporations that mostly put profit higher than our health. The companies that are producing the food need to follow the national standards that are far away from our human moral values. For example farmers who are producing the poultry products cannot raise their chicken the way that they just to do it many years ago. They are forced to keep them inside the overcrowded building with closed windows and feed them modified food that let them grow fast in a short period of the time. Moreover, they are forced to use all kind of antibiotics that are at the same time dangerous for us. Another segment looks   at the industrial production of vegetables and grains like corn. These days food is genetically modified and unhealthy also contain pesticides and fertilizers. The movie showing us also the modern fast food industries that mostly cares about their own profit not our health. This movie accurate criticized large American corporations that are environmentally harmful and abusive for animals and at the same time to us. I believe that we should really think what we are eating. If we have a chance we should buy organic products that are healthy; we should avoid also fast foods like McDonald’s. I think that we should make our food choices not by the commercials that make us buy the product but instead of that carefully read the label. I think that this movie made me think that if we do not take care about our food that we are eating every day we will not be able survived on this planet.